So excited to present Dr. Omokhai’s  new book to you. In a world that is constantly dealing with the influences and impact of leadership, the role of informed, authentic and effective followership cannot be undermined. Join Dr. Omokhai on an intimate journey to understand what it means to Follow Well. 

About The Book

This book provides content that encourages a clear understanding of what good followership is, what it is not, why we need to engage in followership, and how to follow correctly.

The book also expounds on this awareness and provides detailed and precise perspectives into the process of following well with tips on how to use this understanding for success in the different areas of life. This book provides a well thought out and holistic approach to followership studies utilizing Biblical principles and contemporary examples to reinforce how following well influences our commitments, especially within groups and organizations. In this book, you will find that following well is central to our discovery of God’s purpose for our lives and is a fundamental principle for success .

You will learn that if you are to follow the inner calls or promptings correctly, it must be accomplished by understanding the appropriate context and accepting God’s place as the source of our ultimate leading. You will also learn how to use discernment and some practical tips on selecting the best people, causes or ideals to follow.

What’s inside


Self Awareness Principles

Learn how to objectively follow well. playing to your strengths. 


God Factor

Learn that our understanding of God’s influence helps us follow well


Followership Contexts

Learn about the role of contexts in followership.


Choosing Whom To Follow

Learn about how to factors to consider when choosing leadership and causes


Disappointment and Cost of Followership

Learn how to operate and deal with toxic leadership.


“No matter who is memorialized as founder, no nation or organization is built without the collective effort of a group of able, energetic, unsung followers” – Warren Bennis

““I am not a follower.”
“Oh, I don’t follow. I lead.”
“Following is for sheep. I’m a leader.”

These were the types of responses I heard whenever I dis-cussed the merits of followership in the church. Unfortunately, I had heard rebukes of followership everywhere—not just in the church. Over and over again, I hear parents telling their children to never be followers and this cycle continues with children as I often hear them teasing each other for being “followers” in playgrounds and parties.
Children, it seems, have gotten the message: their parents want them to be leaders.

Their schools want them to be leaders.  So, does almost every tweet, meme, movie, comic book, and cartoon.  Everything, it seems, is pushing the narrative that suggests leadership as the only status to which one should aspire. In addition to this narrow devotion to leadership, people are often disillusioned because of their past experiences when following.

I consistently hear complaints about people’s disappointments in the leaders or causes they have followed in the past.  As I encountered these negative feelings, it dawned on me that there is still work to do.  There is an acute need for a “blue ocean strategy1”—a strategic effort to go against the cultural and intellectual grain of only learning about leadership.

Therefore, we must spend time speaking a truth that has long been left behind as our culture increasingly popularizes leadership studies as the starting point in both the Kingdom and in the world. Consequently, despite my initial reservations, I felt led to write a follow-up book on my initial book on followership—to lend my voice to a startlingly narrow genre of non-fiction literature. ” Introduction Except


Want to preview Dr. Omokhai’s new book? Enter your name and email address to get the Introduction and Chapter One for free.

“Following Well is a much needed book. There are more followers than leaders in this world and it is not a role to be ashamed of. Instead, Dr. Imoukhude’s book reintroduces the concept of followership as one to be intentionally developed so as to be the best follower one can be. The infusion of scripture throughout this book empowers the follower to live on purpose while honoring God as a significant follower. Well done Dr. Imoukhude for writing a book that is needed, dare I say, more now than ever.”

Dr. Debra Dean – Leadership Expert| Life Coach

"In this new book Pastor Omo in a scholarly, and relatable fashion espouses the virtues and power of the less known , and less traveled road of Followership. This book is a must read for every disciple of Jesus who seeks to please God via a life of service. As profound and well written as this book is, it is more poignant by the fact that Pastor Omo is an embodiment of what this book about. Kudos sir, you are a blessing! "

Wale Tychus | Pastor Transformation Church, MD.

About the author

Omokhai Imoukhuede currently serves as the Resident Pastor at the CityLight International Assembly, Chicago south-side. In addition to his Pastoral calling, Pastor Omo broad experience covers areas in Leadership, Followership, Group Dynamics, Technology, Entrepreneurship and Education.

Omokhai seeks to inspire, encourage and uplift individuals using various creative outlets like inspirational writings, trainings and speaking.  He is also the author of the book “Discovering Followership, Learn the Secrets of Walking Behind and Still Staying Ahead.”

Omokhai Imoukhuede is married to Osen who serves along with him at the CityLight International Church. They are blessed with four children Alina, Sophia, Hannah and Jeremiah-Stephen

Omokhai Imoukhuede Ph.D.

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